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July Event & Conversations With KJ

It's July, which just seems impossible. Like I blinked and so much of this year is over. As I get back into the swing of work I have to say I'm so thankful I was able to take some real time off. Thanks for sticking with me while I did.

First up this month, a conversation with KJ, who was nominated for a James Beard Award!!!, and a meetup in July in NW Arkansas. During the summer season when we can be outside, I'll be focusing on in-person meetups for this community so be on the lookout for those. I'll be hosting multiple events in DC in mid-August now that my trip there has been settled, so I'll drop the sign-ups for those next week. Then, once fall and winter hit and the weather is more uncertain, we'll transition back to virtual events so members can join in from anywhere.

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